Showing the link between ceramics and concrete

For me, although different materials and processes involved, ceramics and concrete work have common ground. I started off making intuitive clay models which I gave an additional dimension by casting them in concrete. To find my way into my practice MA, I again started off with clay models, clay test tiles, slip decoration and oxides. This helped me to define the direction I would be going and formed the basis of what (and how) I would adapt in concrete. The processes I learned in ceramics work such as hand building, slip casting, slip decoration, burnishing, polishing, dealing with cracks or using oxides are very well adaptable to my concrete work and helped me to create my forms. On the other hand, I use my experiences with concrete to achieve textures and surfaces in clay as well and gained a better understanding of processes for both materials. When a glaze reaction happens in the kiln on a ceramic piece, the same is true for a work in concrete where different ingredients react diff...