Evolving as the modules of the course get on: What became of a drawing

In a previous post I showed a drawing that somehow, to me boiled down what I envisage as the ongoings in my brain. 

My thoughts, constantly tangled up in too many ideas, the worries about my health, all the way through to the microscopic image of what neural tissue might look like, being intact or with inflammation. 

I have this drawing in front of me every day, on the mantel piece. It helps me to direct my thoughts to my initial cause of doing what I'm doing at the moment. 

Also, looking at it all the time, made me wonder in what way I could further develop this drawing into a sculptural piece that would be coherent with my project.

I decided to make a cast of it. I read about the lost wax method that sculptors use to produce bronze casts. Also, I found a post by a jeweller explaining the technique of wax carving. 

Wax - turned out to be great for carving ribbons out of it. So I Very satisfying, carving into a slab of melted candle wax...

What if I used the wax to make a plaster cast and then a silicone mould to get the initial positive. The wax carving wouldn't be lost, I could change the carving, make another plaster cast and mould and so on...

samples for a possible series of tactile wall pieces

Here is the actual cast from the drawing above in the process:

Often, ambiguous words can have a variety of different meanings in the English language. Relief though, is a very suitable ambiguous term for what I want to say. Here's a relief about relief...

Whether this ties in with the other upcoming work, I'm not sure. I will definitely pursue this method for future work.


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