Recap: what do I want to say and do the visuals I created make sense as a whole?

I'm nearing the date of submission now. For this, I am required to include a demonstration of my thought- and work processes as well as reflective writing, a portfolio to show how my work developed and the actual curated pieces that ideally would make sense as a mini installation.

Since I can easily get carried away during my work process and spontaneously add new elements, it's difficult for me to put myself into the shoes of the beholder who might look at my work with fresh eyes and an unoccupied mind whilst I am so deeply involved that I struggle to set priorities.

I want to take stock now and put what I want to say against what I am actually saying through the pieces I have created until now:


mood swings



brain fog

physical and mental heaviness


invisibility and lack of palpability of MS

Initially, I focused on tubular shapes but I can see my work becoming more flexible as the forms become more fluid, organic and rounded.


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