Experimenting with Clay Models 3

After my first model is pretty big for an experimental form, I decided to do some smaller pieces that would allow me to have some more variety. Also, I need to bear in mind that the looks I create with the clay and the glazes need to be applicable and adaptable to my future concrete forms. I hope to create surfaces that I can make moulds from in flexible latex and then impress them into my concrete work in some way. Cannot wait to get there!

Here are some modular tube samples. Green (unfired) clay, bisque fired (first firing), glazed and after the second firing:

Glaze firing results:

This also needs some further research, not quite there yet as I envisage the myelin inspired modules with a more "knobbly" or "glibbery" suface. Maybe I should try to mimic this in slip or slurry, then bisque fire and then glaze thickly, also see crawling glaze post here:



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