more glazing trials on discs

Eventually, I would like to achieve textured tiles that I can use to make flexible latex moulds for impressions on future concrete forms. I did further experiments in clay and glaze to bring me nearer to the desired outcome. 

Prior to the actual clay work, some drawing exercises:

Creating texture with string:

sample discs:

Glazed after the first firing

Results second firing:
I used parchment glaze in green and violet, a simple white glaze, red glaze in varying thicknesses and for the dark parts it's manganese that went under the glazes. I like the outcomes as such but think I'm not where i want to be yet in terms of texture. The impressions with string are a start and I will try a mould sample from the disc top left corner to get the reverse effect for a squiggly texture. The sample bottom left looks very intriguing and organic, especially on the right half but feels far too pointy and unpleasant to the touch. All in all, I like how the manganese reacts with the glazes and gives contrast.


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