Tactile stimulation - haptic experience


The terms sensory integration and haptic has been popping up. I want to clarify some terms here:


  • the collective term for several sensation pathways that include
  • the tactile (referring to the sense of pressure on the skin),
  • proprioception (how we recognise our body within our surroundings),
  • kinaesthesia (how we move around) and
  • the cutaneous (skin sensations like pain or temperature) (Bingley, 2012).


  • necessary to gain a full sensory experience
  • the conditions and processes of sensory development are now believed to be intermodal
  • one sense can’t develop or be in full use without the others (Bingley, 2012; Zuckert, 2009).
  • There is an interdependence between the five senses with an
  • ongoing modulation in order to achieve full awareness.
Haptic experience - Sensory integration:

  • a brain area that is important in this context - the homunculus
  • formed by the primary motor cortex and the primary somatosensory cortex
  • these sections of our nervous system are responsible for processing and integrating
  • motor and tactile information
the illustration shows how much our hands are involved when it comes to processing sensory information


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